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Life Path Number 4 (and Life Path 22)

You are a methodical practical individual who likes to dress
exactly appropriately no matter what you are doing. You are never
lacking the exact sweater, pair of shoes, scarves or belt needed to
wear to an occasion. You like to look neat and "ready to go" from
head to toe.

You really like to dress as plainly as possible and then dress up
the outfit a bit with scarves, jeweler and other accessories. One
thing you are very fussy about is the type of purse you carry as it
is important for you to be organized.

You like practical flatter footwear in neutral blacks or browns.
The women like comfortable flat Chinese slippers for kicking
around. You are also the sign most voted to wear Tilley style hats
or shorts.

You prefer to wear inherited or sentimental pieces of jeweler that
looks vintage or expensive.

Riktigt roligt att se att det där med numerologi faktiskt har rätt, igen...
Ifall ni vill veta om numerologin har rätt om erat modesinne ärdet bara att säga till...
Tills senare//


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